
Building a strong community of support can help make a difference in the lives of the children in your area. Below are resources on creating a strong network of support for families with children.
To report suspected child abuse, neglect, or abandonment, in Idaho call Statewide: 1-855-552-5437 (KIDS) or Treasure Valley: 208-334-5437 (KIDS)
Community Development
The resources focus on the development of community-wide systems to prevent and mitigate the impact of adverse childhood experiences and toxic stress.
Building a Resilient Community - United Way of East Central Iowa
Strategies for Community Change and Improvement: An Overview
Maine Resilience Building Network
These resources could be used by individuals, groups or entire communities to inform political leaders, legislators, and the legislative process around issues related to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress.
This section includes links to professional and social networks with a focus on the topics of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), toxic stress, resiliency, and other related components of this work.
Cultural Awareness
These resources acknowledge cultural groups and highlight the need for cultural sensitivity when working with diverse groups or communities on topics related to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress.​
National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSM) resources in Spanish
A conceptual model of historical trauma: Implications for public health practice and research
Commission on the impact of trauma and violence on the health of African American men
National Black Child Development Institute: Being black is not a risk factor
Social Determinants of Health
These links describe the influence of social factors such as poverty, race and socioeconomics, on health equity and lifelong health outcomes.
Trauma Informed Care
These links describe the framework of Trauma Informed Care, which calls for a cultural shift that can be applied in any setting. Trauma Informed Care is not a specific intervention or a clinical response. Rather, it highlights the need for a broader understanding of the impact trauma has on everyone.
Trauma-Informed Interventions
This section includes links to examples of specific interventions created through a trauma-informed lens.
National Resources
This section includes links to national organizations who work to prevent child abuse and neglect.
Center for the Study of Social Policy: Strengthening Families - Powerpoint outlining the five protective factors, pathways for improved outcomes, and implementation data
Children's Bureau, U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services - tip sheet library
ChildHelp - Treatment programs, Prevention programs, and Group Home information
Children's Defense Fund - Advocacy and Activism
Every Child Matters - Making children's issues a nation-wide priority
Family Resource Information, Education, and Network Development Service (FRIENDS) National Resource Center - Building capacity in CBCAP programming
March of Dimes National Headquarters - Birth Defects Prevention
Children's Trust Fund Alliance - Preventing child maltreatment is more than a family matter
National Family Support Network - promoting positive outcomes by leveraging the impact of state networks
National Foundation for Abused and Neglected Children - Resources on child abuse, shaken baby syndrome, gangs and more.
Exchange - The National Exchange Club: Prevention of Child Abuse
National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities - DO-IT: Promoting inclusion and success for people with disabilities
Prevent Child Abuse America - Public policy and Parenting tips
Safe Kids Spokane - Car seat check-ups, safety workshops, and sports clinics